Yesterday I received the autumn/winter 2016 look book from the young and talented Chinese designer, Chi Zhang. I am always intrigued by his designs.
You probably have heard how menswear often lags the trends in women’s wear, but not so with Chi Zhang. He is right up there with the most current of trends in both!
When I asked Chi about the inspiration of the collection, he responded:
“Because this is the autumn/winter 2016/12 collection, the 2016 end-of-world-idea came alone. Therefore the inspiration of this collection is ‘Destroy and Rebirth’. As you can see the whole season is separated into two parts. It starts with dark mysticism and edgy elegance and ends with the rebirth part, which will be more bright and promising. I want to give an idea that, even it were the end of world we would always fight for the bright side.”
See the entire collection.
Photos Copyright Chi Zhang.