The fine art of understatement and the making of the man.
Drakes of London was founded nearly 5 decades ago in 1977 by Michael Drake, Jeremy Hull, and Isabel Dickson initially comprising a concise yet credible collection of men’s quality scarves. The welcome and successful addition of meticulously handmade ties and exquisite printed silk handkerchiefs followed organically, transforming the ‘label’ into a ‘brand’ with strength and depth in its increasingly desirable offering. It is with great pride that Drakes can now stake their claim as the largest English independent producer of extraordinary and outstanding handmade ties.
Drakes of London epitomizes the core elements of what it is to be a revered brand –quality craftsmanship, design ingenuity, brand credibility and beauty—in their continued appreciation of considered understatement, thus across the decades the company has been bestowed with many fine accolades including the Queens award for export, truly deserving of their desire to push boundaries and conquer divides in the name of global development.
With a determined ethos from day one of becoming an international tour de force, maintaining presence in the greatest luxury stores worldwide, making the product available to the most discerning customers from the cold hearted conservative to the artisanal dandy, Drakes has surpassed even their own expectations and in doing so developed a reputation for sartorial excellence on a global scale.
It is key when purveying the ‘Drakes aesthetic’ from the ‘tying of the knot to the tipping of the hat’ that one must advocate the following rule of thumb to truly demonstrate the idiosyncrasies of the gentleman—“Ceaseless practice usually suffices to produce the precise look of subtle imperfection” - Michael Drake.
It is with ardent belief that Drakes continues to eschew the drama of mere gesture so prevalent today, believing that true luxury is indeed the comprehension of quality. As a result of this commitment to confidence as a preference Drakes is about to embark on a new chapter.
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Photos & text Copyright Drakes of London, Courtesy Sane Communications.
World Fashion + UK fashion designers
Thursday, 6 April 2017