Fact: Organic and sustainable products are becoming an ever important part of our daily consumer lives; we try to buy our biological groceries from local producers, enjoy our ‘slow food’, recycle our waste whenever we can and wash our denims as little as possible. Amsterdam's Blauw pride in the organic lifestyle, sticking to a diet of sustainable product where possible alongside their obsession with cycling has resulted in The Merckx Jean.
Named after Eddy Merck—one of the world’s most talented cyclists ever and nicknamed ‘The Cannibal’ for his insatiable appetite for victories winning virtually every important race, most multiple times—Amsterdam’s Blauw are paying homage to one of the purist riders on the track and in the field with a specially constructed denim made specifically to ride in.
The custom tailored slim fit pant is made of 100% organic loom state green selvedge denim. The pockets have been reinforced with canvas taping for extra strength and the legs have been printed with special reflecting cuffs to be seen at night. It has a spoke wrench pocket and actual tool included, sealed with the limited edition world colors patch. These feature—in combination with cycling, which is 100% environmentally friendly and keeps you fit—completes the circle.
This ‘fixie’ pant and its community sits very close to the values and passions of Amsterdam’s Blauw: a remarkable community in its diversity and individuality. This informal crowd embraces all walks of society just as denim does. From punk rock to college guys. From bike freaks, hipsters and ageing fathers with mortgage repayments and office jobs and everything in between. Denim and cycling draw strong parallel. Two worlds become one through their mutual simplicity in both aesthetic appeal and flawless functionality. And both when used properly need little maintenance.
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Photos & text Copyright Amsterdam Blauw.