World Fashion   +  Uomo Moda

Uomo Moda & the Unrest in Egypt: Day 12

Over the past twelve days of unrest, I have been very preoccupied with the critical situation in Egypt.

As you know, I am managing editor of Uomo Moda—the first and only all-menswear magazine in Egypt—what I consider “my baby.” Nevertheless, more precious than my baby are my collaborators in the country.

After several days of silence from the onset, I made several calls in vain to my colleagues. Emails were returned too.

Finally I reached them and learned that all my colleagues are fine. Despite regulary calls to them, I wish that I could be there with them.

Egypt has been a pillar of stability in the region, and I am confident that it will maintain that position in the future. Unknown to many, it also plays a significant role in the textile industry (see article).

Well, I don’t know when we will succeed in publishing the next issue of Uomo Moda, possibly this summer. In the meanwhile, however, I express my solidarity with the Egyptian people and my hope for a peaceful, democratic Egypt!

As they say in Arabic, “Insh Allah!”

Photo Copyright Men’s Fashion by Mark.