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Los Vladimirovich “De profundis clamavi” Из глубины я плакал

From the Depths I Cried / Desde lo más profundo te invoco

Land of the dead, or rather of Death, its paths and side—paths from a truly phantasmagoric maze.

Covering an area of 43 hectares, or just over 105 acres, the Pere –Lachaise cemetery is the largest in Paris, and probably the last place most romantic in Paris, where each walk will transport you from one grave to another, according to your sensibility.

Like any cemetery can be defined by the relations that he establishes between the living and the dead. Going to Pere Lachaise is like traveling in a strange and fascinating world where art and nature unite to create a harmony that soothes and invites contemplation, meditation and dream.

The scope of the framework of Pere Lachaise, the poetry that emanates from the world of trees and stones mixed, tombs multiform embedded in greenery, the endless variety of tombs mean that the decor is unique.

More than a picturesque garden, more than a complex and varied collection of architecture , Pere Lachaise is a truly unusual and unique place .

The capitals largest burial-ground is also a splendid park. Although Pere Lachaise is an excellent places for a stroll , it would be wrong to think or it simply as just another tourist attraction, for it has other claims to greatness.

Mystic enclosure within earshot of the sounds of the city, Pere Lachaise lives on its history , its secrets and its legends (necrophilia, prostitution, black messes).

In this little corner of history one can almost hear the message of their faith in the future.
Science is powerless to death and only art and dreams offer us some consolation.

See the 2016 autumn/winter collection.

When you walk through the garden
you gotta watch your back
well I beg your pardon
walk the straight and narrow track.
If you walk with Jesus
he’s gonna save your soul
you gotta keep the devil
way down in the hole
he’s got the fire and the fury
at his command
well you don’t have to worry.
If you hold on to Jesus hand
we’ll all be safe from Satan
when the thunder rolls
just gotta help me keep the devil
way down in the hole.
All the angels sing about Jesus’ mighty sword
and they’ll shield you with their wings
and keep you close to the lord
don’t pay heed to temptation
for his hands are so cold
you gotta help me keep the devil
way down in the hole.


Photos & text Copyright Los Vladimirovich.